We cordially invite business students, who would like to challenge themselves and learn to excel under pressure, to participate in the 16th IIBD International Case Competition co-organised by the School of Business of Hong Kong Baptist University and Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. The theme this year is Water for the World. The Final-round Competition will be held on 7 November 2024 Thursday at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands.

Established in 2008, the IIBD International Case Competition is a leading international case competition that opens for IIBD member and non-member universities worldwide to participate. Over a thousand high-calibre business students from leading institutions around the world have participated in this Competition, which is a unique learning platform for students to apply their knowledge, critical thinking, and creativity to solve real-life business issues. It also provides a great opportunity for participants to network with other participating teams and impactful industry professionals from across the globe.

Sign up by 31 May 2024 Friday (Hong Kong Time) to win a fabulous prize up to USD1,700!


Water for the World

  • Gold Prize: USD1,500 per team and Trophy
  • Silver Prize: USD900 per team and Trophy
  • Bronze Prize: USD700 per team and Trophy
  • Best Presenter Award: USD200 and Trophy

  • All business students from universities around the globe are eligible.
  • Each university can nominate ONE team. Each team should consist of a maximum of four students, with no more than one graduate student.
  • Students of the same team must come from the same institution at the time of application. Past awardees of either team awards or individual awards are not allowed to participate in the Competition.
  • Each team should be supervised by a Faculty Supervisor.
  • Hosting institution will be eligible to have one team in the Final-round Competition.

31 May 2024 Friday at 11:59pm (Hong Kong Time)
Application deadline


17 June 2024 Monday at 10am (Hong Kong Time)
First-round case is assigned to all participating teams


18 June 2024 Tuesday at 10am (Hong Kong Time)
Submission deadline of the oral presentation video and presentation slides of the First-round case


2 September 2024 Monday
Result announcement of six finalist teams, including one team from each hosting institution


7 November 2024 Thursday
Final Round of the Competition at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands

First Round

  • Each team will be assigned a case on 17 June 2024 Monday at 10am (Hong Kong Time) by email. Participants have to analyse the case and submit an oral presentation video and a copy of the presentation slides in PDF format by 18 June 2024 Tuesday at 10am (Hong Kong Time) via the designated online submission link.
  • The duration of the presentation video should be between 8 and 10 minutes.
  • The presentation video must be conducted in English.
  • The presentation video should be in MP4 format and recorded via the ZOOM platform.
  • All team members should participate in the presentation and show their faces in the video.
  • All team members have to take masks off during the presentation.

Final Round

  • Four finalist teams plus one team from each hosting institution will be selected to enter the Final-round Competition to be held on 7 Nov 2024 Thursday at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands.
  • Each finalist team has five hours to research, analyse, develop a set of action plans, and make recommendations to a business case.
  • Each finalist team will be given 15 minutes to present and 20 minutes to answer judges’ questions.

First Round

  1. Identification of Problems
  2. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
  3. Quality of Recommendations and Alternatives
  4. Implementation and Plan of Actions
  5. Presentation Form and Style

Final Round

  1. Identification of Problems
  2. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
  3. Quality of Recommendations and Alternatives
  4. Implementation and Plan of Actions
  5. Presentation Form and Style
  6. Handling of Questions

Free accommodation from 6-8 November 2024 (3 nights) with a maximum of three twin-bedded rooms will be provided to each non-local finalist team. Extra rooms and/or nights will be paid on participating teams’ own expenses.


Tel: (852) 3411 5241
Email: busd-global@hkbu.edu.hk