External Members

Prof. Justin K H CHIU, DSocSc, LLD, FRICS (Chairman)

Member of Executive Committee and Executive Director, CK Asset Holdings Limited

Ms. Karena BELIN

Co-Founder and CEO, WHub
Co-Founder and COO/CFO/RO, AngelHub


Senior Director (Sustainability), Prudential plc

Ms. Stella FUNG

Founder and Managing Director, Beijing Tong Ren Tang Fook Ming Tong Chinese Medical Center

Mr. Samuel HO

CEO, Nova Credit Limited

Prof. Stan H.M. HO

Chief Representative, Syntao Green Finance International Limited

Mr. Kenny S.F. KOO

CEO and Executive Director, Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited

Ms. Ivy LAI

Partner and China-Appointed Attesting Officer, Reed Smith Richards Butler LLP

Dr. Hon. Hoey Simon LEE, MH, JP

Director (Bay Area Office), China Resources Group and Managing Director (International Business), China Resources Capital Management Limited

Mr. Selwyn MAR, FCA

Consultant, Nexia Charles Mar Fan Limited
Independent Non-Executive Director, Man Yue Technology Holdings Limited

Ms. Janis TAM

Managing Director, Swire Resources Limited

Ms. Jennifer Y C TAN

Executive Vice President – Strategy Development and Government Affairs, GBA of Ant Group

Mr. Patrick TSANG

CEO, Deloitte China and Chief Partner, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP

Ms. Ivy WONG

Partner, Loeb Smith Attorneys

Prof. Wilson WONG

Director, Insight and Futures, WongonWork

Ms. Helen ZEE

Former Investment Banker