Honorary Professors

Prof. the Hon. Ronald ARCULLI, GBM, GBS, CVO, OBE, JP

Senior Partner, King & Wood Mallesons

Prof. Moses M.C. CHENG, GBM, GBS, OBE, JP

Senior Consultant, P.C. Woo & Co.

Prof. Raymond K.F. CH'IEN, GBS, CBE, JP

Independent Non-executive Director, China Resources Power Holdings Company Limited

Prof. William W.C. LEUNG, SBS, JP

Chairman, Legal Aid Services Council

Prof. Charles Xiaojia LI, SBS

Founder and Chairman, Micro Connect
Former Chief Executive, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX)

Prof. Otto C.C. LIN

Senior Advisor to the President and Vice-Chancellor, Hong Kong Baptist University


Non-Executive Director, Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited

Prof. Wing Ching SHIH, JP

Founder, Centaline Group

Prof. James S. TSIEN

Independent Non-Executive Director, Bank of Shanghai (Hong Kong) Limited

Prof. Joseph Chi-Kwong YAM, GBM, GBS, CBE, JP

Non-Official Member of the Executive Council of the HKSAR Government
Adjunct Professors

Prof. Karen CHAN, JP

Executive Director, German Pool Group Company Limited

Prof. Raymond CHAN

Independent Non-executive Director, Deshengtang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Prof. Dorothy C K CHAU

Director of Hong Kong, Macao & Cross-border Financial Affairs, Tencent

Prof. Justin K.H. CHIU, DBA, DSocSc, LLD, FRICS

Member of Executive Committee and Executive Director, CK Asset Holdings Limited

Prof. Buston Y.C. CHU

Executive Director, Service Cybernetics Consulting Limited

Prof. Alex CHUNG

President, Hong Kong Information Technology Federation

Prof. Alex FAN, MH

Barrister-at-law, President, Hainan International Arbitration Court

Prof. Sunny FONG

Senior Director, People Lead, Asia Markets & Japan, McDonald's China Development Company

Prof. Harrison L.S. HO

Managing Director, Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited

Prof. Stan H.M. HO

Chief Representative, Syntao Green Finance International Limited

Prof. HUANG Wo

Chairman, Guangdong Wangtat Construction and Investment Holding Group

Prof. Chi Hing KEE, JP

Chair, Fullness Social Enterprises Society

Prof. Nelson C.Y. LAM, JP

Director of Audit, Audit Commission, The Government of the HKSAR

Prof. Jason W.K. LAU

Chief Information Security Officer, Crypto.com

Prof. Peter T.Y. LAU

Former Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), School of Business, HKBU

Prof. Priscilla P.K. LAU, BBS, JP

Chairperson, Management Board, Hong Kong College Technology

Prof. Eric K.C. LI, GBS, OBE, JP

Honorary Chairman, SHINEWING (HK) CPA Limited

Prof. LI Guoxiong

Chairman, Guangzhou Luban Construction Science and Technology Group Co. Ltd

Prof. Dickson T.Y. SHANG

Former Executive Director, HSBC Broking Services (Asia) Limited

Prof. Gary M.C. SHIU

Executive Director (Policy & Advocacy), Competition Commission

Prof. Paul K.H. SIN

Director – Technology & Transformation, New World Development Company Limited

Prof. David Y.K. WONG, GBS, JP

Chairman, Education Commission

Prof. Martin C.Y. WONG

Senior Vice President and Head of Structured Product Development, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX)

Prof. Sunny H.K. WONG

Executive Director, Biofit International Limited

Prof. Wilson WONG

Director, Insight & Futures, WongonWork

Prof. Bernard T.L. WU

Deputy Chairman, Poseidon Hill Capital Limited

Prof. WU Suping

Director and General Manager, Zhuhai Yuanlang Food Limited Company

Prof. Richard M.H. YEE

Former Programme Director (Greater Bay Area), HSBC ASP and Former Chief Information Officer, HSBC China

Prof. ZHOU Chunling, BBS, JP

Adjunct Associate Professors

Dr. Detlef REIS

Founding Director and Chief Ideator, Thinkergy Limited

Dr. Monica W.M. TANG

Senior IT Manager, Information Technology Services, The University of Hong Kong