Making Investments for Life-Long Returns

Yes, this is all about investment tips. Read on.

No one would challenge the fact that Prof. Justin CHIU Kwok Hung is qualified to talk about investment. At the age of 68, when many might have retired, Prof. CHIU decided to get back to school to pursue a Doctorate Degree in Business Administration (DBA) at the HKBU School of Business. As a man with many interests and always up for challenges, he affirms this was one of the wisest investments he has ever made.

“It’s the high level of intellectual interaction among classmates and professors that are unparalleled,” Prof. CHIU recalled enthusiastically. “I enjoyed this cosy setting with a supportive community and great autonomy. Honestly speaking, we often had debates in class, where professors’ theories clashed with the experience of practitioners. This always ends up broadening our perspectives and showing us more options in a situation.“

The struggle and the real-world problems 

Having been through numerous ups and downs in the business sector for over 50 years, Prof. CHIU’s immense experience in business administration and management has been serving him well. “Until one day when I realised that my experience may not be sufficiently convincing, even though I have the power to give orders. What I needed is methodology and techniques to support my decisions.” Yet, the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom was not easy. Prof. CHIU struggled in the middle of the 5-year programme, juggling study and his daily work responsibilities. The heavy load of reading and research for the completion of the DBA thesis was particularly challenging, requiring strong motivation and self-discipline.

“After all, last time I studied for a degree was decades ago. However, just as I was having second thoughts, some hot debates on a few high-profile companies’ corporate governance issues and the discussion of the weighted voting rights (WVR) of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX), caught my attention,” Prof. CHIU recalled. 

“I realised that what I learnt from my DBA courses was immediately applicable into these real-world cases, providing me with a solid foundation and a brand new approach to analyse and handle these cases."

"This became the underlying motivation to keep me going forward. I attribute the successful completion of my DBA journey to the high practicality and direct inspiration of the programme, as well as the great encouragement of my classmates and the support from the professors.“

The myth of work-life balance 

Prof. CHIU's passion for continuing learning and advancing is as strong as that for working. In a world where ‘work-life balance’ is a catchphrase for many, Prof. CHIU suggests otherwise. “For me, work is life, and life is work – this is a motto that I have upheld since my early days. That is why it is so important for us to find our passion and make our own path. If you are passionate about your work, you won’t be bothered by the long working hours, and you can’t help thinking of ways to refine your work, because you are not working but enjoying.”