School of Business Draws Thousands of BBA Prospective Students at HKBU Info Day

09 Oct, 2023

School of Business Draws Thousands of BBA Prospective Students at HKBU Info Day School of Business Draws Thousands of BBA Prospective Students at HKBU Info Day

With over 17,000 visitors attending the HKBU Info Day for Undergraduate Admissions held on 7 October 2023, the School of Business's Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) (BBA) was highly popular among prospective students, parents and secondary school teachers.

Themed "Redefine Yourself," the School's undergraduate programme team curated a series of games and programme talks to provide interested prospective students with an insight into the BBA curriculum and prospects and a highlight of its eight concentrations: Accounting, Economic & Data Analytics, Entrepreneurship & Business Innovation, Finance, Human Resources Management, Information Systems &
Business Intelligence, Marketing, and Strategic Retail Management & Innovation.  Furthermore, the student-sharing sessions during the programme talks shed light on the international exposure offered through the Double Degree programme available to BBA students.

Please visit the BBA website for more information about admissions and programme updates.