Success and Community Celebrated at Alumni Get-together 2024

28 Mar, 2024

School Awards for Outstanding Performance of Academic / Teaching Staff 2023/2024 School Awards for Outstanding Performance of Academic / Teaching Staff 2023/2024

Admiralty was alive with excitement on the evening of 26th March, 2024, as over 100 alumni, faculty members, friends, and fellows of the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) gathered for a cocktail reception at the Alumni Get-together 2024. The annual event, a joint initiative by the HKBU School of Business and the School of Business Alumni Association (SBAA), stood as a vivid demonstration of the strong ties and shared successes that characterise the HKBU community. Prof. Martin WONG, Provost of HKBU, and Dr. Albert CHAU, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), graced the event, and further enlivened the evening.

The event began with a warm welcome from Prof. Yuk Shing CHENG, Interim Dean of the School of Business. His remarks highlighted the strength of the HKBU community, asserting, “Seeing you here tonight is a powerful reminder of the dynamic and supportive community we have nurtured at the Hong Kong Baptist University.” He further added, “Our alumni consistently inspire us through leadership and creativity, contributing actively to the betterment of society. We are very proud to be connected with each of you.”

The Guest of Honour, Prof. Martin WONG, shared in his speech about the global economic slowdown and emphasised the crucial role of innovation and entrepreneurship in creating new business and job opportunities in Hong Kong, China, and beyond. He spurred the spirit of collaboration and innovation, saying, “The event tonight is an excellent opportunity for reconnecting our faculty and alumni, and for strengthening our collaboration network to develop new business ideas and initiatives.”

Adding a unique touch to the evening was the Inaugural Ceremony of the new Executive Committee of SBAA, marking the first time this alumni event hosted such a ceremony. The newly elected president, Stephen YUNG, introduced himself and other committee members, shared the mission of the SBAA, and gave a glimpse of upcoming events. The ceremony wrapped up with a symbolic handover, as Marcus YUEN, the outgoing president, presented Stephen with a Certificate of Appointment.

The event was a harmonious blend of nostalgia and anticipation. Attendees engaged in fruitful discussions and networking, reminiscing about their time at HKBU while also looking forward to future opportunities. It not only celebrated the past achievements of the HKBU community but also set the stage for future collaborations and successes.